Salam, Saya suka tips dari Tips ini adalah 5 perkara yang kita fikir kalau kita tak buat dari anak-anak kecil kesannya anak-anak akan sukar dibentuk.Cuba faham dan tukar cara kita mendidik.In Shaa Allah berjaya. -No translation-#copypaste Happy Reading :) 1. Let them play. It is a sad reality that children do not get to be children anymore these days. Their life becomes a kiddie version of an adult’s routine: wake up, go to school, do homework, sleep, and do it all again tomorrow. There is hardly time for them to play. We don’t need research studies to tell us that play is an important part of childhood. Watch any child absorbed in her play, and you will see a mind at work but rested. Patricia Villa , graphic designer at Fancy Girl Designs, recognizes the value of play even during a school day. She stresses the importance of real playtime over gadget time, so she lets her 9-year-old play with a friend outdoors as soon as he arrives home from school. 2. Do...